When installing ESXi vmware on a disk in which persistence is not ensured, the most common are USB keys and SD cards. These storage devices deteriorate during long-term continuous writing where the proper functioning of this card cannot be ensured. Such proper operation is important when creating a core DUMP, which occurs in the event of a server failure caused by either a HW error or a SW error. Such a DUMP is stored in a predefined local storage, which is not possible when using an SD card. In such cases, VMware recommends using the vmware COREDUMP collector, which detects such failures and stores them on the vCenter server side.
VCenter server side configuration
Enable VMware vSphere ESXi Dump Collector
To set up ESXi to send COREDUMP to the center server:
- Setting up coredump to center
# esxcli system coredump network set --interface-name vmkX --server-ipv4 X.X.X.X --server-port 6500
# esxcli system coredump network set --enable true
2. Disable coredump file creation
# esxcli system coredump file set --enable false
# esxcli system coredump file remove --force
3. Disable automatic DumpFile creation
# esxcli system settings kernel set -s autoCreateDumpFile -v FALSE
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