To ensure a stable DNS server service, it is necessary to install several secondary servers that provide DNS services. To ensure compatibility with other solutions than those offered by Windows, it is necessary to activate the AXFR protocol, which is used to replicate selected DNS zones. By replicating these zones, it is possible to ensure the load balancing of the primary DNS servers.
Step 1 Set up Windows DNS service
To allow zone transfer, it is possible to select permission for all DNS servers so that they can download all records using the AXFR protocol. To increase security, it is advisable to list the IP addresses of the servers for which we have synchronization enabled.
Step 2 BIND9 server setup
Creating a configuration file:
nano /etc/bind/named.conf.mhasin.local
zone "mhasin.local" IN {
type slave;
file "";
masters {; };
allow-transfer {; };
allow-notify {; };
To ensure the import of the created configuration:
nano /etc/bind/named.conf
At the end of the file you need to add:
include "/etc/bind/named.conf.mhasin.local";
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